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Original Creation

Giraffe at sunset bush

Voy Kay 16 Jan 2020

Wasn't sure where to park this so placed it here. Fourth painting African style and as promised, I put in a giraffe. The technique used for the complicated bushes and tree leaves is explained in one of my articles, so won't repeat this here. Canvas used was a 16"x20", black gesso decoration and then liquid clear to begin painting. In total, this was done in 90 minutes.
Hardest part definitely the sun!! Also tough was the colour blending since ONLY transparent colours could be used over the black gesso. The giraffe was nice, maybe a little too big and ... did he need a friend? Please enjoy this painting and let me hear some comments.

Featured Article Creating dazzling bushes and leaves with black gesso.


You are very creative! Great colors! Giraffe is trying to escape from the viewer and you think is he scared of me? Nature is so fragile and easily destroyed. This painting reminds me about it and reminds that humanity need to change course of actions to preservation.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Sunnylady. Naah, giraffe is only thirsty after he ate part of that tree and is now in search of a pool (lion and leopardproof!). What do you think about the gesso trick?

Voy, Great painting i love it, keep going 👍

dracula Power Painter

I recognize the trees from your article and I really like the naturalistic shapes and angles you chose. Nice work!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Merci beaucoup Patoex, this one was really a joy to paint!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Dracula, now that I tried it for the first time, I know this technique really works. Else it is impossible to get such fine details on top of oil paint. Pity that the Indian yellow was less transparent then I thought. I have a second one like this coming up in the next few weeks. Till later my friend!

I think that you had more control over the tree and I'll agree with dracula it is way more realistic shapes and thinner lines. The only I'd darken foliage closer to the middle, because I would assume that tree foliage is less transparent (in the part where giraffe did not have dinner). I cannot see if you darkened the trunks to make it stand out a bit more like giraffe. But again I have never seen these kind of the scenes in the real life and photos are just photos. I think your painting is amazing!
As a suggestion for new ways of painting you can also let it dry as it is thin layer of the paint and in couple of days(when it is dry for touch) you can add fine details on top (just need to oil it out a bit before) and you should have the same control over the paint like with gesso.
Another thing I have been trying with couple of the painting that are 2-3 months old(very thin layer of paint) - I sprayed them with glossy acrylic varnish and colors became so vibrant again I was amazed.

My opinion - Also when too many details you are becoming less free (i am not sure if it is correct word) and more squeezed by this detailing and lose that power of the brush strokes. I don't know how to overcome this.

MHK Helpful Friendly User

Love what you are doing in Africa- very cool stuff Keep it up

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, you are right about the density, it could have been better for the bushes yet I followed an example (NOT a photo, although I have 1000's of photos from my African travels) more or less, and there it was the opposite. I am working on a next one though so will take that into consideration, it would be great to compare them, thanks!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, no, the trunks were not darkened afterwards, the giraffe is, since painted black over all the paint at the end of the job. Yet that gives the viewer a bit more the idea that the giraffe is very near, right? I thought about the drying trick, but tried this not so long ago with another painting and had poor result, so I am very hesitant to repeat this ever. I learned about the varnish trick too, that can really boost your paintings, specially when colours are become a bit dull. SUPER!! I was given the advice to wait for 6 tot 12 months, so I have a lot of time yet to think about it!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear MHK, thanks for your support! Another one is planned next week, I have the choice over several subjects so there will be more soon!

Felix Creator of

Great sky! Could you add this one to your article, so people can view the finished painting?

Also, I'm going to add the possibility to feature articles on paintings, so you'll be able to link people to your article directly from this painting 😊

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Felix, I added it already yesterday, no worries! And I love the suggested addition! Thanks!!

Felix Creator of

I've added the 'featured articles'. If you click "Edit painting" you can now add your article about how to paint trees and bushes to this painting.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Felix, just tried that and it worked! I've done all my paintings now where an article was of use. Thanks for this option! Hear ya soon!

bob_ross_watercolors Watercolor Virtuoso

"Everybody needs a friend" as I think Bob might say! However, I think your lone giraffe looks amazing and the painting is very beautiful!!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hahaha, indeed BRW, if it were antilopes, I could have given it a friend yet the giraffe takes already quite some space… one has to imagine that its friend has just walked out of image! :) Thanks for the cheers and till next one!

Maybe this is your best masterpiece.
I love it!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Jin7, it is one of my better Africans but still believe that the elephant painting is my best one. It also holds a red sky and is named 'The old oak tree'. Thanks for your cheers and till next painting!

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